MWP - Engineering & Environmental Consultants
Empowering 120-person engineering consultancy with a brand more befitting of their stature

Ending 20 years of brand, image, and message frustration
Founded in 1947, MWP evolved into a multi-office, 120+ team of engineers and scientists, with expertise in more than 23 disciplines. Delivering a wide spectrum of engineering and environmental solutions for both private and public sector clients, in Ireland, the UK, and beyond.
However, the company had grown very frustrated with its external image, messaging, and website. The management team felt their poor external image was hampering the company and in particular recruitment.

Build brand and image to reflect depth of expertise and quality of work
The existing image painted a picture of a regional, conventional, outdated company. As well as affecting business development MWP felt their current approach was hindering recruitment. There was even confusion with their name, with customers and their team using a myriad of formats and abbreviations of the official Malachy Walsh & Partners name. The website was dated and confused, with a poor presentation of their expertise, services, and projects. They grappled with inconsistent use of messaging, fonts, and document styles across the company.

"Ed, our brand and website has gone further and further out of date over the years, and without knowing where to start we left all as is. I really enjoyed your talk at the conference last Friday. Impressed by the depth, clarity and precision of the Maverick approach and wowed by the design work. "
Ken Fitzgerald, Associate Director, MWP
What we did
Tune in to MWP’s true personality, voice and values and build a brand that would resonate with their audiences
Malachy Walsh & Partners became MWP, a reflection of their new, more modern, more confident personality. New photography brought their people to the fore and celebrated their most prestigious projects. New messaging captured their voice, and all supporting content was rewritten. The new website clarified and supported the interrelation between services, solutions, expertise, and project content, and featured a strong careers section. The brand was fully and consistently rolled out to all touchpoints and offices, from signage to document templates.

Gave 120 accomplished engineers the image and voice they deserved
The project brought to a close 20 years of brand, image, and message frustration. It gave the company a brand and presence that reflected its own high standards. With a website experience to reflect the precision and elegance of an MWP solution.
When we presented the new ‘MWP Vision’ to a 30-person management group, we got the most enthusiastic response we ever enjoyed. A reflection of the pent-up frustration with the past approach and an excitement to see something that they felt truly reflected who they were and who they aspired to be. “You’ve captured the essence of us, it’s amazing, and with this, I’ll be more comfortable pitching for any major project in London,” commented one of the senior engineers.

"That went well! Could 30 engineers get more excited about a new brand and image? Everyone is really excited about having this roll out."
Ken Fitzgerald, Associate Director, MWP

Key Deliverables
Clarify Foundations
For the first time, the MWP team went through a process to examine and identify such critical foundations as purpose, positioning, value proposition, and brand personality.
Identify A Workable Construct
A key challenge of this project was to find a clear, workable matrix for the development and interrelation of content for services, solutions, expertise, and experts.
Brand Identity & Visual Style
Developed all-new, distinctive brand identity and visual style, bringing MWP people and projects to the fore.
Crafted all lead messaging and helped shape and develop all supporting content.
Developed an entirely new ‘MWP people’ image bank, with extensive shoots, across multiple locations.
Planned, designed, and built a website experience to reflect the precision and elegance of an MWP solution.
Brand Materials and Assets
Created a complete suite of stationery and brand materials. And on-brand documentation in easy-to-use templates for fast, consistent, everyday use.
Ongoing Brand Development and Guardianship
Maverick continues to support the creation of various brand, sales and marketing materials for MWP as well as helping to guide and protect the use of the brand.

Empower your organisation with world-class positioning, marketing and branding.
A highly structured, tried-and-tested programme that will drive transformational change in your branding, communications and marketing. This unique, B2B Marketing programme, has been born of, and honed by, 20 years of focused exploration and practice. In this comprehensive PDF we outline the programme in detail, including the stages, tasks, roles, responsibilities, dependencies and outputs.
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